Champagne éco-museum


Imagine yourself in 1900… Three authentic museums in one guided tour!


The Champagne House
Enter the Maison Champenoise recounting the life of a family of winegrowers and farmers at the beginning of the 20th century. Through furniture and old photographs, take a leap into what life was like 100 years ago!

The school 1900
Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the old village classroom and have fun writing with a pen! Wooden desks, blackboard, dunce cap, etc… The school of yesteryear as if you were there!

Gout Museum
This former public distillation workshop presents its machines from the beginning of the century: alembic, disgorging site and the coopers’ workshop. All this will make you (re)live the know-how of yesteryear!

Group visits
75 min / visit


  • Heritage


  • Vignobles & découvertes


  • Access for class
  • Access plan
  • services for people with reduced mobility


Info Minimum price Max price
7.50 € 7.50 €
Groupe : Formule déjeuner
Enfant entre 5 et 11 ans
5.50 € 5.50 €
"L'école 1900" + "La maison de Champagne" + "Le musée de la goutte"
Enfant de moins de 5 ans
0 € 0 €
"L'école 1900" + "La maison de Champagne" + "Le musée de la goutte"
Groupe : Formule "Musées"
7 € 7 €
"L'école 1900" + "La maison de Champagne" + "Le musée de la goutte" (1h15)
Groupe : Formule "Musées" + "Dégustation"
10 € 10 €
"L'école 1900" + "La maison de Champagne" + "Le musée de la goutte" + Dégustation de Champagne (2h)
Groupe : Formule "Musées" + "Dictée"
9 € 9 €
"L'école 1900" + "La maison de Champagne" + "Le musée de la goutte" + Dictée du Certificat d'études au stylo (2h)
Groupe : Formule "Coup de Coeur"
12 € 12 €
"L'école 1900" + "La maison de Champagne" + "Le musée de la goutte" + Dictée du certificat d'études au stylo + Dégustation de Champagne (2h30)
Groupe : Formule déjeuner
18 € 42 €
Possibilité de déjeuner au restaurant du village Le G'Houlot Champenois

Opening period

Open every day except Tuesday all day and Sunday afternoons from April 1 to October 31.

Visiting times: 10 a.m., 2:30 p.m. and 4 p.m. (Reservation recommended)

Open every day except Saturdays and Sundays from November 1 to March 31. (on appointment)

Visiting times: 10 a.m., 3 p.m. (Reservation recommended)

Closed to individual visits during the Christmas holidays.

Open to group visits by reservation.

Champagne éco-museum

Cour des Maillets
51480 Œuilly
France Grand Est



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